Friday, January 7, 2011

Breathing Room...

It seems like lately there are so many To Do's hanging over my head.  When I get home from work, I just don't know where to start and it's overwhelming.  So, instead of doing, I sit and I read blogs and lament having too much to do.  Ha!

Last night and this evening, instead of sitting, I decided to DO. 

Most people have a junk drawer or two.  I was starting to feel like all of the drawers in my kitchen and laundry room were junk drawers.  I tackled 6 drawers in the kitchen and two in the laundry room (I only have two in the laundry).  Here are the before and afters:

Laundry Room

 Two drawers in a welsh cupboard in the kitchen.

OMG! Look at this one!  This was/is the TRUE junk drawer - getting excited, yet?  I saved the best for last...

Three more drawers in the kitchen.  Don't ask about the batteries - they are one of those things that we never can find when we need 'em - now they are all in one place!  AND I HAVE AN EMPTY DRAWER!!! 

Breathing room!!!

How exciting is this?!  Hmmmm..... maybe I need to get out a bit more.

Even though it's just a small start, I feel so much better.  I feel like I have a little bit of breathing room.  I've finished SOMETHING - accomplished SOMETHING!  Whew - it's a little victory, but it is a victory. 

Now, I'm off to take down the Christmas decorations - finally.  :-)

I'm linking up over at Frugal Friday at Shabby Nest, Domestically Speaking, Funky Junk Interiors and Show and Tell Saturday:

Domestically Speaking