Saturday, December 25, 2010


It's here! It's here!  Merry Christmas, everyone!

I hope that each of you are enjoying time with your loved ones, and if you are away from home or for some reason are not able to that this year, I hope that you are enjoying the time spent with The One who loves you most.

I am once again late for Gratitude Friday, not because I forgot, but because I chose to appreciate every moment I was living in today (or yesterday if you want to get technical).

We have opened most of our presents already, so tomorrow morning we can relax and reflect a bit. I got this journal from Chicken Little.  She is - OFFICIALLY - The Best Daughter Ever.  She told me she thought it would help me with my blogging.  Love it - Love her!

Today, I'm grate-full for:
  1. My family - they are the best.
  2. The time we get to spend together.
  3. Children at Christmas - is there any joy that is as pure?
  4. Warm hands, warm hearts, warm hugs, warm feet! (new Uggs that I didn't even know I wanted)
  5. The greatest gift of all has come this day, and I'm so grateful for His sacrifice to give us this gift.