First things first – 12 Days of {handmade} Christmas – I’m soooo looking forward to it!
I will be joining in the Christmas crafting fun over at Edie's blog: Life in Grace. I have to confess that I have a wee blog-crush on Edie. I love the way she writes, her bold honesty, she’s smart and funny, a real southern woman, and she is a hoot! I wanna have a blog maybe half as good as hers when I grow up.
Here’s a link to her blog – go check it out and plan to participate in all the crafty goodness of the 12 Days {handmade} of Christmas!
Now, moving on to the random:
I saw more of this really cool rainbow piping stuff on the roadside the other day. I’m fascinated by it. So, here’s another picture of that. I love color!!! (I also like exclamation points!!!! – in case you hadn’t noticed.)
What is up with this?? It looks like maybe an albino pigeon. Creatures this bright don’t usually last that long in the wild – they are way too visible and way too edible. He was probably waddling around the yard because he’s too “fluffy” to fly! I wonder how he got to be so fat. Do you think he's someone’s pet? (That's a generic "he" - I didn't get close enough to find out.)
On Sunday, we were checking out and planning the next project for the Yard of the Month (fingers crossed) and there he was just eating his fill, and he didn’t seem in the least bit bothered that we were standing there staring and taking his picture. Here’s another one of him all puffed up – trying to be big and scary, maybe? (He looks kinda like a chicken here, but he definitely was not a chicken.)
We haven’t seen him since – I’m hoping that if he was a pet on the lamb (get it? Ha, ha!) that he was found by his people. I’m just worried that he may have been gobbled by the coyotes around here - too sad...
This was parked across from me in the parking garage today. REALLY?! That’s all I could say. REALLY?! Aren’t we in a recession? Isn’t this just a bit ostentatious for the ‘burbs? REALLY?! Well, I’m glad someone is living LARGE (probably not very large though, I think only Oompa Loompas can fit in this car.)
Finally, speaking of fatties (see bird) and living large (see above), I want my Lola’s life. She sleeps 20 out of 24 hours, eats only treats, suns herself either outside or in the window at 10 and 4 each day, gets regular back (and butt) scratches, and is presented with handmade gifts on a regular basis. And then, she doesn’t even appreciate it – she rewards us with a steady stream of slobber, stink, and the occasional whine when it’s been too long since the last treat.
Here she is annoyed that I'm interrupting her tanning...
CL also used to walk her every day – now the walks aren’t quite as frequent (3-4 times a week at most), and this is the result…
She’s turned into a real FATTY! This picture is gross – she looks like a LOG with skinny branches coming off. Notice in the far right corner – that’s her “baby” after toting it around and sliming it for a couple of months.
Lola says, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” And “Don’t just stand there taking my picture - bring me another treat!”
That's all I've got for ya right now. I have lots of ideas and crafty plans for this weekend. I hope to have some fun posts for you all next week. J