Yesterday, it was the view from my office. Today, it's the view from my temporary (?) office...
I'm at a company boondoggle in Ft. Lauderdale this week. It's not exciting because this is the closest I will get to the ocean all week. We will be cooped up in meetings and then "teambuilding" events until 9 or 10 each night. I think giving us a little space and time away from each other would go a lot further for building this team! It's cruel and unusual punishment to put people up at a fancy hotel sandwiched between the Atlantic Ocean and the Intercoastal, and then never let them leave the building.
Oh well... it could be worse. At least, I've got a job, and I was able to take these pictures from the little table/desk in my room while I was doing email. Do you think it's kinda pitiful that the best parts of my job have boiled down to having a nice view?! I'm thinking for the 1/3 of my day that I spend at work, I should get a little more out of it than a good view. (Oh yeah, there is that paycheck part - that part is always good.)