Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brave Girl Projects

This is the last Brave Girl post, I promise...until the online workshop starts at least.  :-)

Everyone loved playing with the Chip Art Tools. They were so easy to use, and the results were quick and CUTE!  It was instant gratification.  I made this leather cuff.  This is before I stained it.  LOVE!  You should see some of the GORGEOUS stuff the other girls made.  Need to get me some of those tools.

Speaking of tools, I got to play with all kinds of stuff I'd never used before.  All different kinds of glitter, texture mediums, a batik pen, split peas, dimensional mod podge, chip board, various "bits" to add texture or to layer.  Or using some familiar things in new ways - just tons of new ideas for me!

It was also so inspiring to be surrounded by the amazing talent of the other girls. I'd love to show you some of their beautiful work, but each piece was so personal, and I didn't get their permission.

So, here's a peek at a few of the things I worked on.
This is the cover of my timeline.  It was a blank accordion book with chip board covers. I mod podged fabric onto the covers and added various bits and a ribbon to tie it closed.  Then I got to work on the innards, here's a little bit of that:

The worst part of this project was the fact that I had to turn it over and start working on the back,


And two of my other projects:

We had so much fun!  I wish I could spend this much time working on art projects every week.  What a treat this experience was.  I am so grateful to have been a part of it and to have met such wonderful people.