Saturday, November 27, 2010
Ooops! Gratitude Friday on Saturday...Again
I've been having so much fun this, that I forgot to post yesterday, and I am thankful for that! :-) Here's a I quick one so I can get back to it!
This week I'm thankful for:
1. Chicken Little is home for Thanksgiving and when she leaves on Tuesday, it will only be three weeks until she's back for Christmas.
2. Thanksgiving was great. It was a small group of 10, so we were all able to eat at the same table together.
3. My dear husband who did a wonderful job cooking a gorgeous bird and a fabulous feast for all!
4. An early Christmas miracle: we found a "small" Walmart tucked away from the crowds yesterday. We were able to park close, shop and walk to an EMPTY register to pay. A-MA-ZING!!!
5. Christmas is coming! I L.O.V.E. Christmas! It's my favorite, favorite, favorite!
I hope to be back Monday with some of my Christmas decorations. I haven't even started, so we will see...
Have a lovely rest of the weekend.