Friday, November 12, 2010

Gratitude Friday

I completely and unashamedly stole this idea from Edie at Life in Grace. In my own defense, I do have to say that I did tell her the very day I saw it that I was going to copy it, so she was warned and it is totally documented in the comments section.  The first time I went to Edie's blog, this was the post.  I L.O.V.E. the idea of these letters. 

So, I went to the Hobby Lobby, bought some for myself, painted them...

...had to figure out how to hang them (Command Strips!), and

hung them up right over the door leading to the garage so this is what we see every time we leave the house.

(I wish I'd bought the bigger letters, but I thought they would overwhelm the space since it's so tight.  I like it, but I don't love it yet.  I may need a do-over.)

It's a gratitude reminder.  I've been trying to do this here every Friday, but I love having this daily nudge.  There are so many people, circumstance, and things that we take for granted - seeing this not only makes me smile, but it makes me think. 

Today, I'm grateful for:

1. Making my plane on Tuesday morning.  I was the last person to board - YIKES!
2. Having enough gas in my car to make it home from the airport tonight (no time to fill it on Tuesday morning)!
3.  Falling back last weekend - it's so much easier to get up early (I would have missed the flight for sure if not for this).
4.  Everyday is another chance to start over.
5.  My new computer is on the way!!!  YEA!

Have a great weekend!

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