Saturday, November 20, 2010

Favorite Things

So, I know I said I'd be posting about Thanksgiving madness at my house today, but I changed my mind.

Instead, I've been inspired by The Favorite Things posts going on over at 320*Sycamore.  I've just stumbled upon this blog and it is wonderful.  There is so much good stuff out there, I think I could make blog reading a full-time job... I WISH!  Anyway, hop on over and check out all the good stuff:

favorite things button

I'm also linking up to another awesome Favorite Things party at Funky Junk Interiors here:

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

I'm having an Oprah moment talking about my favorite things, excuse me for a minute while I just let that soak in............

.........ahhhhhh!  Lovely!  So, a few of my favorite things - here goes:

It's obvious, I know, but I might as well start with Oprah!  Then, just go right ahead and add Martha to the list too.  Add to that my other favorite TV-ish things:  Tivo, Biggest Loser, and Glee!

Here's some more 
Family who are reading and don't see your pictures, don't be offended - your pictures are implied.  :-)

Then there is favorite vacation - I don't care - just near the water - any water - even a pool or an aquarium will do!

Favorite holiday - duh - Christmas! 

Favorite part of my house - the backyard in the late spring.

And a few other random favorites at the moment:
SONOMA life + style Original Fit Bootcut Jeans
Sonoma Original Bootcut Jeans from Kohl's - I just got a pair the other day, and I struggle with fit - I am LOVING the way these fit me! YEA!  dark wash, of course.

Favorite new (for me) music:

Long time favorite music:

and more Kasey...

Favorite make-up products:


Favorite food (I'm not proud):
  apple fritters and...
cheese pizza. 

And, before this gets much worse, I'm going to end on favorite color:

"...And these are a few of my fav-or-ite things." 

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special